Superman for Congress?

It has come to my attention that earlier this year a Congressman from California was sworn into office with a copy of the Constitution, under which he put a copy of his US Citizenship paper, a photo of his deceased parents an a copy of Superman #1.

Glen Weldon wrote a wonderful article for NPR (see full article here) discussing this and talking through why Rep. Garcia would choose to use a Superman #1 to be sworn into office with. In the article he breaks down what this particular issue of Superman means and defines. It really is a wonderful article. However, there are a quote I would like to pull and highlight here.

“…after spending so many hours reading and watching every piece of media Superman appeared in over the decades, I came away with the two essential elements to Superman. They don’t have anything to do with what you might expect – the powers, the origin story, the costume, the politics, the patriotism. 

No, here’s what lies at the heart of any Superman story: 

  1. He puts the needs of others over those of himself
  2. He never gives up

That’s it, it’s not complicated. Those are the two things that make Superman Superman.”

Glen Weldon hit the nail on the head! It all boils down to putting the needs of others before your own and never giving up! I am showcasing this because I believe that WE ALL HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING SUPERMAN… just as long as your willing to put he needs of others before your own and never give up.

Nothing more complicated here, let’s all be Supermen and Superwoman and remember those two principals.

Mahalo nui loa,


One Reply to “”

  1. Not my Congressperson but close to where I live in Southern California. He represents Long Beach & was formerly the Mayor of Long Beach.

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